Covers All-Skills necessary for the Game of Baseball
All positions and aspects of the Game of Baseball are taught, including; Throwing, Pitching, Infield, Outfield, Catching, Hitting & Bunting, and Baserunning. Players receive a Gino Pomilia Hat & T-Shirt, a written "Personalized" Hitting Evaluation, Hitting Diagram, Daily Baseball Cards, Daily "Group Award Winners", and end-of-the-week "Contests" with Prizes given for each age group, covering the Skills learned during the Camp. Each day Baseball Games are played in the afternoons.
Focuses on the Fundamentals of Good Hitting
Successful Hitting Skills & Fundamentals are reinforced Daily through Hitting Stations, in order to develop good “Muscle & Motion Memory”. Baseball games are played in the afternoons that strengthen & develop the new
fundamentals taught each day. Each Camper receives a Gino Pomilia Hat & T-Shirt, an "Individualized" Personal Video Analysis, Daily Baseball Cards, Daily "Group Award Winners", and end-of-the-week "Contests" , with Prizes given for each age group, covering the "Hitting & Bunting" Skills learned during the Camp. Each day Baseball Games are played in the afternoon.
Fundamentals reinforced through "Daily Contests and Prizes" along with Instructional Games
Each day will involve different contests that will allow campers to demonstrate their "IMPROVEMENTS", which will determine the winners of the contests. Instructional games will be played in the afternoons that will reinforce the skills contests of the day.